France PEA price list and quotes - Volume - Letter M - Page 2

You are currently viewing the France PEA price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter M.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
MEDIANTECHNOLOGIES 2.850 +1.42% 2.750 2.850 2.735 60,208 53M 0.32%
MEDINCELL 14.22 -1.52% 14.40 14.64 14.04 60,882 470M 0.18%
MAUNA KEA TECH 0.1750 +2.94% 0.1738 0.1788 0.1702 65,430 11M 0.10%
MERSEN 23.25 +3.79% 22.65 23.40 22.45 92,721 568M 0.38%
MCPHY ENERGY 0.942 +2.73% 0.934 0.984 0.920 105,324 28M 0.36%
MEMSCAP REGPT 4.635 +8.29% 4.310 4.720 4.000 110,315 36M 1.43%
METROPOLE TV 13.06 +1.24% 13.00 13.12 12.84 153,617 1,651M 0.12%
MANITOU BF 20.05 -16.80% 22.00 22.00 19.04 183,112 795M 0.46%
MAUREL ET PROM 5.345 -3.52% 5.840 5.840 5.310 438,172 1,076M 0.22%
METAVISIO 0.0540 +12.50% 0.0471 0.0570 0.0471 3,198,281 3M 5.47%
MICHELIN 34.51 +2.43% 33.74 34.80 33.53 3,286,793 24,355M 0.47%
MASTRAD 0.0240 -22.58% 0.0252 0.0284 0.0200 5,154,674 2M 6.25%