Cryptocurrency trading: Beginner's Guide

The BEST book to learn how to invest successfully in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies :

Learn the basics
Definition of blockchain
Cryptocurrency as a means of payment for central banks?
Beginner’s mistakes not to make on cryptocurrencies
Definition of a Cryptocurrency
Tutorial - Buying and trading cryptocurrencies
Answers to all cryptocurrency traders’ questions
PRO cryptocurrencies or ANTI cryptocurrencies
ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency spreads : the influencing factors
Cryptocurrency Capitalization : how to calculate it?
Risks of Cryptocurrency Trading
Cryptocurrency AirDrops: how can you get them?
Beginner Trader
What cryptocurrency should I buy?
Storing and securing your cryptocurrencies
Importance of cryptocurrencies which mimic fiduciary currencies
Virtual Cryptocurrency wallets
CFD cryptocurrency trading
Cryptocurrency direct prices on EXCEL
Ethereum (ETH) transfer problem
Trading cryptocurrencies via CFDs or Wallets