Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 200,000 Euros
RCS Nanterre N° 819 783 663
CENTRALCHARTS SAS - 30 avenue Edouard Belin - 92500 Rueil-Malmaison - France
EU VAT number: FR03819783663
Director of Publication: M. Bastien HUNEAU
Receipt of CNIL (National computing and data privacy committee) number 1992111
CentralCharts is a Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 200,000 Euros, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 819783663 and whose office is located in 30 avenue Edouard Belin - 92500 Rueil-Malmaison - FRANCE. EU VAT number: FR03819783663.
The Director of Publication is M. Bastien HUNEAU. He can be contacted by email at the following address: info@centralcharts.com
Web host: GANDI – 15 place de la Nation – 75011 Paris – FRANCE. Phone: +33(1). – Fax: +33(1). Email: direction@gandi.net
The website is declared to the CNIL (National computing and data privacy committee) under number #1992111.
The information collected by CentralCharts is saved in a digital file to create your profile. This data is kept in a secure database as long as you use our services and will be automatically deleted after 3 years of inactivity. This data is maintained by SAS CentralCharts, 30 avenue Edouard Belin, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France. It is not in any case communicated to third parties and the only purpose is to create and let you access your private profile on CentralCharts. In conformity with the "digital and liberty" law, you can exercise your right to access your personal data via a link your edit profile page of your CentralCharts profile. For further information or to file a complaint, you may contact your data protection authority. For any correction or to delete your personal data, you can directly contact the CentralCharts team.
Clause No. 1: Purpose
The general terms and conditions of sale described below detail the rights and obligations of CentralCharts SAS and its client in connection with the sale of the following services:
- Credit Packs (PRO Credit Pack, EXPERT Credit Pack, Other Credit Pack)
- Training courses (Comprehensive training course in trading, Other training course)
Any service provided by CentralCharts SAS therefore implies the buyer's unreserved acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.
Clause No. 2: Price
The prices of the services sold are those in force on the day the order is placed. They are denominated in one of the following currencies EUR/USD/GBP/CAD/AUD/CHF/INR/ZAR/MXN and calculated inclusive of all taxes. VAT is included. There are no shipping costs.
CentralCharts SAS reserves the right to change its prices at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice the services ordered at the prices indicated when the order is placed.
Clause No. 3: Terms and conditions of purchase
The purchase of the services mentioned in clause No. 1 is made online on the website www.centralcharts.com. For this, the buyer must have an account on CentralCharts website. The action buttons to place an order are then active and allow the buyer to make his order.
For all purchases on www.centralcharts.com, the buyer confirms having read and accepted our general conditions of sale.
As part of the MONTHLY subscriptions to IA, the buyer authorizes CentralCharts to automatically charge their credit card or PayPal account each month, until revocation on their part.
Clause No. 4: Methods of payment
The payment of orders is made:
- either by Paypal;
- or by credit card;
When the order is placed, the buyer must pay the full price indicated for the service concerned.
Clause No. 5: Delivery
Delivery is made once the order has been confirmed for one of the services mentioned in clause No. 1.
As part of the purchase of a credit pack, the buyer's credit balance is increased by the number of credits present in the pack: 20 credits for a PRO credit pack and 200 credits for an EXPERT credit pack.
As part of the purchase of a subscription to IA, the purchaser can access the content of this subscription by consulting the description page.
The buyer can choose to purchase a monthly subscription, which will give access for 1 month, with automatic renewal (revocable on request), or 6 months / 12 months of access without automatic renewal. The AI trial offer will provide 7-day access and is without automatic renewal.
For all IA subscriptions or subscription renewals, the user also receives 10 IA credits (trial offer), 40 IA credits (monthly subscription), 240 IA credits (6-month subscription) or 480 IA credits (12-month subscription).
As part of the purchase of training, the buyer can then access the content of the training by consulting the descriptive page.
Clause No. 6: Validities
The validity of AI credits is unlimited in time but the user must have an active AI subscription to be able to consume their AI credits.
The validity of the AI trial offer is 7 days from the order date (no automatic renewal).
The validity of the MONTHLY subscription to IA is 1 month from the order date or the date of automatic renewal. The validity of the 6 MONTHS subscription to IA is 6 months from the date of order (no automatic renewal). The validity of the 12 MONTHS subscription to IA is 12 months from the date of order (no automatic renewal).
The training courses are available until the end of their sale on the website www.centralcharts.com
Clause No. 7: Terms and conditions for AI credits refunds
IA credits have a refund guarantee. This guarantee is applicable to analyses considered "invalid" or "neutral".
An analysis is considered "valid" and non-refundable if the following condition is met:
- Objective 1 is achieved during the 20 candlesticks following analysis publication.
An analysis is considered "valid" and refundable if the following condition is met:
- Objective 1 is issued but not achieved and the price remains above the invalidation threshold (presented in "my opinion") during the 20 candlesticks following the analysis publication.
An analysis is considered "invalid" and refundable if the following condition is met:
- During the 20 candlesticks following analysis publication, the price has closed 2 consecutive candlesticks above the invalidation threshold indicated in "my opinion".
An analysis is considered "neutral" and refundable if one of these conditions is met:
- The direction indicated in "my opinion" is neutral.
- The analysis does not present any price objectives.
Conditions for refunds:
Our systems automatically check the validity of analyses. If an analysis is invalid or neutral, the AI credit consumed is automatically refunded within a maximum of 24 hours (except for technical problems). The user's credit balance is automatically re-credited with an IA credit.
Clause No. 8: Terms of withdrawal and refund for training courses purchases
For all training courses purchased on the www.centralcharts.com website, a satisfied or refunded guarantee is applicable. This guarantee allows the buyer to obtain a full refund without any justification on his part. To do this, the buyer must send an email to the following address: info@centralcharts.com.
Conditions for refunds:
- The email must be sent within 14 working days of purchase. After that, the satisfied or refunded guarantee is no longer applicable.
- To obtain the refund, the buyer must indicate in his request the email address which enables him to connect to the site www.centralcharts.com
- The buyer must not have waived the satisfaction or refund guarantee in order to be able to view the entire content of the training.
Refund period:
If all conditions are met, CentralCharts undertakes to refund the buyer within 30 working days.
Clause n° 9: Terms of withdrawal and refund for IA subscriptions and purchases of Credit Packs
In accordance with the law, the buyer has a withdrawal period of 14 days. The buyer must send his request by email to the following address: info@centralcharts.com
Refund conditions:
- The email must be sent within 14 working days of purchase.
- To obtain the refund, the buyer must indicate in his request the email used to connect to the site www.centralcharts.com
- In the context of a retraction on the purchase of a Pack of Credits, the request will be acceptable if and only if the purchaser has not consumed any AI credits from the pack that has been purchased. CentralCharts will attest to this information by recording the buyer's IA credit balance.
- In the context of a retraction on the purchase of a subscription to IA, the request will be acceptable if and only if the purchaser has not consulted any technical analysis offered in the IA service and has not consumed any IA credit delivered during this purchase or renewal. CentralCharts will attest to this information through the buyer's login records.
- No refund or credit will be offer for partial months of access to the service, nor for unused months.
- CentralCharts does not offer refunds for recurring monthly payments. If the buyer has purchased a MONTHLY subscription with automatic renewal, he can cancel this subscription at any time (via the "Manage my subscriptions" page) to avoid billing for the next months. If the user cancels the service subscription before its expiration, the subscription will remain active until the next expiration date. After the due date, if no payment has been received, the subscription is terminated.
Under no circumstances IA credit balance can be refunded. As a reminder, the user must be a subscriber to the AI service in order to consume the AI credits that he has obtained with each purchase or renewal of the AI service or by the purchase of additional AI credit packs.
Refund period:
If all the conditions are met, CentralCharts undertakes to reimburse the buyer within 30 working days.
Clause No. 10: Complaints
For any complaint, the buyer can contact CentralCharts SAS via this email: info@centralcharts.com
Clause No. 11: Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction
The Conditions of Use are subject to French law. The Conditions of Use have been translated into several languages. In case of ambiguity or disputed interpretation, the version edited in the French language will have legal precedence over the versions edited in other languages. For any disagreement concerning this document, the User or Site visitor has the possibility to open a free mediation procedure with the French mediator of consumption before any litigation. To do this, the user or website visitor must first make a written complaint to CentralCharts, which is a necessary prerequisite to any mediation request. The mediator will be chosen by CENTRALCHARTS. ANY DISAGREEMENT OR LITIGATION WHICH CAN NOT BE SETTLED ON AN AMICABLE BASIS FALLS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE COMPETENCE OF THE PARIS COURTS IN FRANCE, NOTWITHSTANDING MULTIPLICITY OF DEFENDANTS, INTRODUCTION OF THIRD PARTIES, SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS, BY SUMMARY ACTION OR PETITION.