NZD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change

You are currently viewing the NZD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NZD/CAD 0.8226 +0.93% 0.8150 0.8240 0.8142 123,837 - -
NZD/CZK 13.991 +0.89% 13.868 14.005 13.855 75,002 - -
NZD/USD 0.6010 +0.77% 0.5964 0.6049 0.5956 103,271 - -
NZD/HKD 4.6948 +0.74% 4.6603 4.7251 4.6544 31,399 - -
NZD/JPY 91.99 +0.72% 91.33 92.09 91.19 130,623 - -
NZD/MXN 10.2001 +0.71% 10.1285 10.2545 10.1114 447,899 - -
NZD/HUF 217.58 +0.55% 216.39 217.79 216.18 142,651 - -
NZD/DKK 4.1660 +0.50% 4.1454 4.1773 4.1418 21,511 - -
NZD/ZAR 11.1162 +0.48% 11.0629 11.1709 11.0550 469,128 - -
NZD/SGD 0.8109 +0.42% 0.8075 0.8159 0.8067 63,011 - -
NZD/SEK 6.5031 +0.40% 6.4772 6.5255 6.4708 93,698 - -
NZD/PLN 2.4160 +0.33% 2.4081 2.4221 2.4061 30,338 - -
NZD/CHF 0.5441 +0.29% 0.5426 0.5461 0.5414 112,851 - -
AUD/NZD 1.0997 -0.17% 1.1017 1.1024 1.0982 116,510 - -
NZD/NOK 6.5373 -0.21% 6.5509 6.5615 6.5179 95,167 - -
EUR/NZD 1.7904 -0.48% 1.7992 1.8007 1.7852 106,196 - -
GBP/NZD 2.0875 -0.71% 2.1026 2.1040 2.0832 220,925 - -