NZD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N

You are currently viewing the NZD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NZD/ZAR 11.2145 +0.53% 11.1548 11.2172 11.1547 57,721 - -
NZD/HKD 4.7751 +0.32% 4.7604 4.7795 4.7595 7,241 - -
NZD/USD 0.6117 +0.30% 0.6100 0.6123 0.6099 22,164 - -
NZD/DKK 4.2171 +0.29% 4.2044 4.2184 4.2042 1,798 - -
NZD/NOK 6.5492 +0.28% 6.5307 6.5508 6.5299 17,136 - -
NZD/MXN 10.1945 +0.28% 10.1660 10.2011 10.1643 31,086 - -
NZD/CZK 13.966 +0.28% 13.926 13.971 13.925 4,728 - -
NZD/SGD 0.8259 +0.28% 0.8236 0.8264 0.8235 12,744 - -
NZD/JPY 95.86 +0.27% 95.60 95.98 95.58 26,024 - -
NZD/CAD 0.8369 +0.23% 0.8350 0.8375 0.8348 26,281 - -
NZD/SEK 6.5634 +0.22% 6.5491 6.5649 6.5474 16,979 - -
NZD/PLN 2.4098 +0.22% 2.4043 2.4111 2.4041 3,153 - -
NZD/HUF 218.59 +0.20% 218.15 218.69 218.09 27,214 - -
NZD/CHF 0.5594 +0.20% 0.5583 0.5599 0.5581 22,407 - -