Euronext Stocks price list and quotes - Volume - Letter W

You are currently viewing the Euronext Stocks price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter W - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
WORLDLINE 6.318 -1.96% 6.300 6.512 6.250 1,458,210 1,792M 0.51%
WOLTERS KLUWER 144.90 +0.69% 143.35 144.90 142.70 641,701 34,561M 0.27%
WDP 21.54 -1.19% 21.72 21.90 21.54 511,408 4,865M 0.23%
WERELDHAVE 15.84 +0.64% 15.74 15.90 15.66 121,434 730M 0.26%
WENDEL 92.40 -0.75% 92.00 92.85 91.70 44,972 4,108M 0.10%
WAGA ENERGY 10.50 -2.96% 10.80 10.82 10.34 18,782 260M 0.08%
WALLIX 13.64 +0.44% 13.70 13.76 13.62 14,140 91M 0.21%
WAVESTONE 49.00 -4.30% 50.90 52.10 48.95 9,009 1,220M 0.04%
WITBE 2.060 -0.96% 2.080 2.080 2.050 4,046 8M 0.10%
WE.CONNECT 17.0 -3.40% 17.7 17.7 17.0 2,151 50M 0.10%
WERELDHAVE BELGIUM 51.4 +0.00% 51.6 52.0 51.4 1,107 457M 0.00%
WINFARM 4.02 -0.74% 4.05 4.08 4.02 218 8M 0.01%
WAREHOUSES ESTATES 38.4 +0.80% 38.1 38.4 38.1 101 135M 0.00%
WHATS COOKING GP 107.0 +0.50% 106.5 107.0 106.5 65 199M 0.00%
WHITESTONE GROUP 12.2 +0.00% 12.2 12.2 12.2 50 84M 0.00%
WEACCESS GROUP 0.500 +0.00% 0.500 0.500 0.500 10 1M 0.00%
WEYA 0.0150 +0.00% 0.0150 0.0150 0.0150 1 1M 0.00%
WELLNESS - +0.00% - - - - - -
WEYVELD NOSSEGEM - +0.00% - - - - - -