UK AIM price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter J

You are currently viewing the UK AIM price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter J - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
JUBILEE METALS GRP. ORD 1P 8.35 +6.37% 7.96 8.50 7.70 4,492,305 - -
JOHNSON SERVICE GRP. ORD 10P 167.6 +1.90% 167.0 167.6 162.8 548,283 - -
JERSEY OIL AND GAS ORD 1P 161.5 +1.60% 158.7 162.3 158.7 194,639 - -
JOURNEO ORD 6.5P 273 +0.93% 269 273 268 40,621 - -
JET2 ORD 1.25P 1,346 +0.15% 1,332 1,369 1,332 275,818 - -
JAYWING ORD 5P 2.70 +0.00% 2.50 2.70 2.50 20,000 - -
JARVIS SECURITIES ORD 0.25P 61.0 +0.00% 61.6 61.7 61.0 14,630 - -
JADE ROAD INVESTS LTD. ORD NPV (DI) 1.38 +0.00% 1.38 1.38 1.38 - - -
JUDGES SCIENTIFIC ORD 5P 11,650 +0.00% 11,625 12,000 11,601 2,528 - -
JANGADA MINES ORD GBP0.0004 1.25 +0.00% 1.22 1.30 1.20 80,330 - -
JAMES HALSTEAD ORD 5P 197.0 -1.50% 202.1 202.3 197.0 164,402 - -
JADESTONE ENERGY ORD GBP0.001 32.5 -3.00% 33.8 34.0 32.5 231,146 - -