Euronext Stocks price list and quotes - Letter T - Page 2

You are currently viewing the Euronext Stocks price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter T - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
THE AZUR SELECTION 0.700 +16.67% 0.650 0.700 0.650 31,965 15M 0.15%
THALES 222.4 +16.10% 222.0 226.6 211.0 1,187,859 45,801M 0.60%
TFF GROUP 26.0 +0.00% 26.0 26.2 26.0 1,955 564M 0.00%
TF1 NV25 - +0.00% - - - - - -
TF1 8.055 +0.37% 8.055 8.180 8.050 231,523 1,700M 0.11%
TEXAF 34.4 +2.40% 34.2 34.4 33.8 194 126M 0.00%
TETRAGON FIN GRP 15.45 +0.00% 15.55 15.60 15.45 5,998 2,158M 0.00%
TESSENDERLO 21.50 +0.00% 21.40 21.75 21.35 20,266 1,838M 0.02%
TERACT BS 0.0005 +0.00% 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 119,552 15,000 0.40%
TERACT 0.880 -1.57% 0.894 0.902 0.880 1,951 65M 0.00%
TELEVISTA - +0.00% - - - - - -
TELEVERBIER 48.0 -2.00% 48.0 48.0 48.0 550 67M 0.00%
TELEPERFORMANCE 97.88 +5.63% 92.60 98.56 92.00 446,867 5,861M 0.75%
TEIXEIRA DUARTE 0.1065 +1.43% 0.1070 0.1070 0.1030 156,511 45M 0.04%
TECHNIP ENERGIES 30.44 +1.67% 29.88 30.82 29.82 497,450 5,430M 0.28%
TAYNINH 1.21 +0.00% 1.21 1.21 1.21 30 11M 0.00%
TATATU 5.45 +0.00% 5.45 5.45 5.45 1 4,482M 0.00%
TARKETT 15.95 +0.00% 15.95 16.00 15.90 16,643 1,046M 0.03%