UK 300 price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter L

You are currently viewing the UK 300 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter L - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE GRP. SHS 6 79/86P 9,328 +0.41% 9,306 9,374 9,292 433,738 - -
LANCASHIRE COM SHS USD0.50 614 -0.97% 627 627 610 209,072 - -
LLOYDS BANKING GRP. ORD 10P 55.78 -1.06% 56.42 56.66 55.72 119,447,788 - -
LEGAL & GENERAL GRP. ORD 2 1/2P 245.2 -1.40% 247.6 249.9 245.2 7,642,407 - -
LONDONMETRIC PROPERTY ORD 10P 201.0 -2.10% 206.0 206.0 201.0 2,270,629 - -
LAND SECURITIES GRP. ORD 10 2/3P 645.5 -2.30% 655.5 657.0 645.5 1,718,628 - -