UK Stocks price list and quotes - Capitalization - Letter Z

You are currently viewing the UK Stocks price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Capitalization - Letter Z - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
ZEGONA COMMUNICATIONS ORD 570 -1.72% 580 585 570 175,751 401,365M 0.02%
ZOTEFOAMS ORD 5P 266 -0.37% 270 274 263 55,255 12,965M 0.11%
ZIGUP ORD 50P 304.0 -1.60% 308.5 312.0 301.5 319,870 - -
ZENITH ENERGY LTD. COM SHS NPV (DI) 8.15 +5.16% 7.50 8.38 7.50 332,983 - -
ZTO EXPRESS CAY 0A33 20.3 +1.50% 20.0 20.4 20.0 61 - -