France PEA price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter M - Page 2

You are currently viewing the France PEA price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter M.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
MEMSCAP REGPT 4.220 +0.60% 4.190 4.280 4.045 27,331 33M 0.36%
MR BRICOLAGE 7.58 +0.80% 7.54 7.66 7.50 4,478 79M 0.04%
MEDINCELL 14.96 +1.08% 14.82 15.10 14.80 38,109 495M 0.12%
METHANOR 2.73 +1.11% 2.82 2.82 2.73 1,977 7M 0.08%
MONCEY (FIN.) NOM. 145.30 +1.25% 143.50 145.84 143.50 592 2,709M 0.00%
MARE NOSTRUM 0.590 +1.38% 0.582 0.590 0.582 500 4M 0.01%
MILIBOO 1.470 +1.38% 1.450 1.470 1.420 109 10M 0.00%
MINT 4.07 +1.75% 4.06 4.12 4.00 2,359 24M 0.04%
MG INTERNATIONAL 4.00 +2.56% 4.00 4.00 4.00 6,319 21M 0.12%
MOULINVEST 16.50 +4.43% 15.80 17.25 15.80 2,989 51M 0.10%
MBWS 3.36 +6.67% 3.15 3.37 3.15 14,687 376M 0.01%