UK Stocks price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N - Page 2

You are currently viewing the UK Stocks price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter N - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NUFORMIX ORD 0.1P 0.185 +0.00% 0.170 0.200 0.170 67,653 - -
NB GLOBAL GBP RED ORD SHS NPV GBP 59.4 -0.30% 61.2 61.2 59.4 10,490 - -
NCC GRP. ORD 1P 135.0 -0.40% 136.0 136.4 135.0 313,547 - -
NTHN.ELEC.PRF 8.061P(NET)CUM PRF SHS 1P 118 -0.42% 117 118 117 30,110 - -
NEW ORIENTL EDU 0K75 84.1 -0.60% 83.7 84.1 81.7 23 - -
NATIONAL GRID ORD 12 204/473P 1,136.0 -0.60% 1,142.5 1,145.5 1,132.5 5,765,971 - -
NANOCO GRP. ORD 10P 17.80 -0.84% 18.18 18.18 17.61 363,056 - -
NB PRIVATE EQUITY PARTNERS LTD. USD0.01 1,610 -0.98% 1,608 1,626 1,608 2,462 - -
NINETY ONE ORD GBP 0.0001 174.7 -1.50% 185.5 185.5 173.9 214,644 - -
NATWEST GRP. ORD 107.69P 321.0 -1.70% 326.0 327.4 319.9 21,958,612 - -
NORCROS ORD 10P 215.0 -2.30% 219.0 220.0 215.0 506,716 - -
NORTH ATL.SMLR ORD 5P 4,000 -2.44% 3,990 4,108 3,972 4,814 - -