France PEA price list and quotes - Capitalization - Letter D

You are currently viewing the France PEA price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Capitalization - Letter D - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
DASSAULT SYSTEMES 38.96 -3.30% 40.22 40.37 38.89 2,052,172 52,145M 0.15%
DANONE 71.38 -1.33% 72.26 72.92 71.16 2,302,523 48,507M 0.34%
DASSAULT AVIATION 288.2 +1.10% 288.0 292.2 285.0 90,231 22,594M 0.10%
DERICHEBOURG 5.640 -2.93% 5.785 5.870 5.630 267,258 899M 0.17%
DELTA PLUS GROUP 50.8 -0.40% 50.2 51.4 50.2 289 374M 0.00%
DEEZER 1.505 -1.63% 1.520 1.545 1.480 18,089 179M 0.02%
DEKUPLE 35.6 -2.50% 36.1 36.4 35.6 469 148M 0.00%
DBV TECHNOLOGIES 0.824 -1.20% 0.846 0.851 0.813 276,832 85M 0.27%
DOCK.PETR.AMBES AM 675.0 +3.80% 675.0 675.0 675.0 10 66M 0.00%
DAMARTEX 4.29 +0.00% 4.29 4.33 4.29 191 50M 0.00%
DELFINGEN 16.55 +1.53% 16.35 16.80 16.25 1,551 43M 0.06%
DNXCORP 17.60 -1.40% 17.85 17.95 17.55 394 35M 0.02%
D.L.S.I. 11.8 +0.00% 11.9 11.9 11.8 426 30M 0.00%
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL 1.045 -1.88% 1.070 1.070 1.005 17,923 19M 0.10%
DRONE VOLT 0.6680 -16.61% 0.6730 0.7950 0.6230 4,174,554 18M 15.60%
DONTNOD 0.952 -2.26% 1.000 1.000 0.952 10,651 12M 0.08%
DOLFINES 2.60 -18.75% 3.06 3.13 2.60 58,446 6M 2.43%
DEVERNOIS 10.50 +0.00% 10.50 10.50 10.50 4 3M 0.00%
DBT 0.5690 +5.39% 0.5500 0.5750 0.5001 66,469 3M 1.32%
DAMARIS 6.60 +0.00% 6.60 6.60 6.60 3 3M 0.00%
DYNAFOND 0.700 +0.00% 0.700 0.700 0.700 60 1M 0.00%
DYNEX ENERGY SA - +0.00% - - - - - -