UK 200 price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G

You are currently viewing the UK 200 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter G - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
GRAINGER ORD 5P 225.5 +1.60% 226.5 228.0 224.5 207,126 - -
GSK ORD 31 1/4P 1,304.0 +0.30% 1,300.0 1,309.5 1,300.0 290,315 - -
GREENCOAT UK WIND ORD 1P 125.5 +0.00% 126.0 126.0 125.5 46,786 - -
GLENCORE ORD USD0.01 379.70 -0.26% 380.30 383.20 379.35 1,995,244 - -
GRAFTON GRP. UT (1 ORD) (CDI) 950.0 -0.40% 930.0 964.2 930.0 31,057 - -
GAMES WORKSHOP GRP. ORD 5P 11,600 -0.85% 11,700 11,700 11,600 1,066 - -
GREGGS ORD 2P 2,610 -1.44% 2,600 2,654 2,600 6,016 - -
GREAT PORTLAND ESTATES ORD 15 5/19P 288.0 -1.60% 291.5 293.0 288.0 17,982 - -
GREENCORE GRP. ORD 1P (CDI) 190.2 -2.40% 193.2 195.8 189.6 236,560 - -