UK 200 price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter D

You are currently viewing the UK 200 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter D - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
DCC ORD EUR0.25 (CDI) 5,670 +1.14% 5,640 5,675 5,595 189,039 - -
DIVERSIFIED ENERGY COMPANY ORD 20P 1,115.0 +1.10% 1,119.0 1,122.0 1,076.0 187,905 - -
DUNELM GRP. ORD 1P 1,065.0 +0.60% 1,052.0 1,075.0 1,052.0 124,058 - -
DIPLOMA ORD 5P 4,226 -0.19% 4,204 4,284 4,164 250,287 - -
DARKTRACE ORD GBP0.01 594.6 -0.20% 595.0 595.0 588.4 442,561 - -
DIRECT LINE INSURANCE GRP. 10 10/11P 200.6 -0.50% 201.2 204.8 200.4 2,033,496 - -
DIAGEO ORD 28 101/108P 2,709.5 -1.30% 2,743.0 2,749.5 2,706.5 1,649,979 - -
DERWENT LONDON ORD 5P 2,218 -2.38% 2,250 2,274 2,218 129,534 - -
DOWLAIS GRP. ORD 1P 70.20 -2.97% 71.55 72.40 70.20 6,173,663 - -
DOMINO S PIZZA GRP. ORD 25/48P 325.6 -4.20% 338.4 340.4 323.2 614,299 - -
DRAX GRP. ORD 11 16/29P 507.5 -8.60% 543.5 543.5 499.0 2,099,735 - -