Cryptocurrencies in USD price list and quotes - Volume - Letter S

You are currently viewing the Cryptocurrencies in USD price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter S.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
STATUS NETWORK TOKEN - SNT/USD 0.032410 +3.97% 0.031188 0.032490 0.030961 36 126M 0.00%
SXP - SXP/USD 0.250000 +8.70% 0.230000 0.250000 0.230000 53 48M 0.00%
STORJ - STORJ/USD 0.360000 +2.86% 0.350000 0.360000 0.350000 224 52M 0.00%
SIACOIN - SC/USD 0.004090 +3.36% 0.003996 0.004133 0.003951 267 203M 0.00%
SYNTHETIX - SNX/USD 1.04 +2.97% 1.01 1.07 1.01 684 204M 0.00%
SUSHI - SUSHI/USD 0.930000 +5.68% 0.880000 0.950000 0.880000 2,221 179M 0.00%
SOMNIUM SPACE CUBES - SOMNIUM/USD 0.770600 +0.00% 0.816200 0.816200 0.759900 12,072 - -
STELLAR - XLM/USD 0.335609 +7.15% 0.313294 0.338844 0.312148 12,175 8,274M 0.00%
SOLANA - SOL/USD 204.87 +2.17% 200.54 206.21 200.02 33,504 63,169M 0.01%