France SRD price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter D

You are currently viewing the France SRD price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter D - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
DBV TECHNOLOGIES 1.150 +47.25% 0.980 1.268 0.956 4,973,449 118M 4.84%
DANONE 70.86 +0.06% 69.12 71.02 68.84 498,989 48,153M 0.07%
DERICHEBOURG 5.760 -1.03% 5.790 5.825 5.730 49,018 918M 0.03%
DASSAULT SYSTEMES 36.37 -1.54% 36.66 36.72 36.25 241,319 48,679M 0.02%
DASSAULT AVIATION 310.6 -1.40% 314.4 314.8 308.0 11,122 24,350M 0.00%