Palmarès et cotations Euronext Actions - Variation depuis la clôture de la veille - Lettre T

Vous consultez actuellement tout le palmarès et les cotations des valeurs incluses dans la liste Euronext Actions - Variation depuis la clôture de la veille - Lettre T.

Instrument financier Cours actuel Var.(%) Ouverture + Haut + Bas Volume Cap. Cap.J échangé
THERANEXUS 0.536 -2.55% 0.534 0.558 0.514 31 640 4M 0.41%
TEIXEIRA DUARTE 0.0902 -1.96% 0.0930 0.0930 0.0902 222 003 38M 0.05%
TONNER DRONES 0.0116 -1.69% 0.0116 0.0118 0.0114 981 256 3M 0.41%
THEON INTERNAT 13.78 -1.57% 13.98 14.00 13.74 21 942 965M 0.03%
TRANSGENE 0.710 -0.70% 0.712 0.717 0.710 9 303 94M 0.01%
TOMTOM 5.500 -0.63% 5.535 5.535 5.440 28 107 688M 0.02%
TINC 10.54 -0.57% 10.62 10.66 10.52 13 422 383M 0.04%
THERMADOR GROUPE 68.7 -0.30% 69.8 69.8 68.7 548 632M 0.00%
TIKEHAU CAPITAL 21.00 -0.24% 21.10 21.10 21.00 1 947 3 700M 0.00%
TELEPERFORMANCE 86.20 -0.23% 86.58 87.82 85.76 41 963 5 161M 0.07%
TKH GROUP 34.62 -0.06% 34.72 34.76 34.48 33 607 1 461M 0.08%
THE NAVIGATOR COMP 3.508 -0.06% 3.510 3.522 3.490 208 258 2 495M 0.03%
TELEVERBIER 51.0 +0.00% 51.0 51.0 51.0 30 71M 0.00%
TATATU 5.45 +0.00% 5.45 5.45 5.45 1 4 482M 0.00%
TOYOTA CAETANO 5.25 +0.00% 5.25 5.25 5.25 789 184M 0.00%
TISSAGES BRUGGEMAN - +0.00% - - - - - -
TROC ILE 3.40 +0.00% 3.40 3.40 3.40 3 2M 0.00%
THE LONDON TUNNELS 2.16 +0.00% 2.16 2.16 2.16 57 150M 0.00%
TRI RENEW EUROP FD 45.97 +0.00% 45.97 45.97 45.97 805 3M 1.19%
TXCOM 8.80 +0.00% 8.80 8.80 8.80 122 11M 0.01%
TRI FAIR SHARE FND 37.60 +0.00% 37.60 37.60 37.60 18 395M 0.00%
TOOSLA 0.634 +0.00% 0.634 0.650 0.634 477 5M 0.01%
TF1 NV25 - +0.00% - - - - - -
TOUR EIFFEL 5.14 +0.00% 5.14 5.16 5.14 2 066 683M 0.00%
THERAVET 0.1080 +0.00% 0.1080 0.1080 0.0930 2 266 385 471 0.06%
TONNER DRONES BSA 0.0008 +0.00% 0.0007 0.0008 0.0007 16 851 164 725 0.01%
TRONICS 5.45 +0.00% 4.02 5.45 4.02 37 49M 0.00%
TELEVISTA - +0.00% - - - - - -
TERACT 1.000 +0.00% 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 73M 0.00%
TERACT BS 0.0005 +0.00% 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 119 552 15 000 0.40%