Spain Continuous Market price list and quotes - Letter V

You are currently viewing the Spain Continuous Market price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter V.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
VANADI COFFEE 0.2330 +913.04% 0.2100 0.2680 0.2100 355,801 1M 9.53%
VBARE IBERIAN 10.00 +0.00% 10.00 10.00 10.00 - 36M -
VERACRUZ SOCIMI 30.2 +0.00% 30.2 30.2 30.2 - 86M -
VIDRALA 94.3 -0.70% 95.5 95.5 93.9 11,928 3,162M 0.00%
VISCOFAN 64.3 +2.20% 63.3 65.6 63.2 91,118 2,990M 0.20%
VITRUVIO 14.8 +0.00% 14.8 14.8 14.8 - 142M -
VIVENIO RESIDENCIAL 1.34 +0.00% 1.34 1.34 1.34 - 981M -
VOCENTO 0.698 +1.45% 0.690 0.700 0.690 19,364 87M 0.02%
VYTRUS BIOTECH 2.76 -2.13% 2.76 2.76 2.76 1,000 21M 0.01%