UK 200 price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter R

You are currently viewing the UK 200 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter R - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
RELX ORD 14 51/116P 3,795 +0.32% 3,779 3,803 3,767 900,331 7,014,924M 0.05%
RENEWI ORD GBP1.00 854 +0.00% 854 856 854 21,300 68,281M 0.03%
RECKITT BENCKISER GRP. ORD 10P 5,112 -0.43% 5,150 5,162 5,086 95,699 3,549,880M 0.01%
RS GRP. ORD 10P 604.5 +0.20% 606.0 607.0 601.5 49,806 286,350M 0.00%
RENTOKIL INITIAL ORD 1P 333.0 +0.00% 332.5 335.3 331.9 209,857 836,343M 0.00%
RIGHTMOVE ORD 0.1P 681.0 -0.20% 682.2 685.8 677.8 171,456 535,110M 0.00%
RIO TINTO ORD 10P 4,881.0 +1.30% 4,896.0 4,897.0 4,822.0 270,537 8,276,454M 0.00%
ROTORK ORD 0.5P 325.4 -1.10% 331.6 331.6 324.4 47,770 277,006M 0.00%
ROLLS-ROYCE HOLDINGS ORD SHS 20P 797.4 +0.10% 795.8 800.0 788.4 1,998,430 - -
RASPBERRY PI HOLDINGS ORD 0.25P 575.8 -0.80% 580.0 594.5 571.5 40,330 - -