France SRD price list and quotes - Letter G

You are currently viewing the France SRD price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter G.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
GECINA 86.60 +0.58% 85.65 86.80 85.60 46,589 6,646M 0.06%
GENFIT 3.355 +2.44% 3.335 3.475 3.295 337,466 168M 0.68%
GETLINK SE 16.210 +0.72% 16.030 16.210 15.980 62,641 8,916M 0.01%
GL EVENTS 20.85 -1.18% 20.90 20.95 20.60 10,304 625M 0.03%
GROUPE CRIT 69.0 +3.90% 69.0 69.0 67.0 4,549 776M 0.00%
GROUPE SFPI 1.985 +0.00% 1.985 2.010 1.985 1,947 187M 0.00%
GTT 143.2 -1.20% 143.8 143.8 139.6 66,816 5,315M 0.20%
GUERBET 22.05 -17.72% 22.00 23.50 19.80 135,330 279M 1.07%