Palmarès et cotations UK Actions - Lettre M

Vous consultez actuellement tout le palmarès et les cotations des valeurs incluses dans la liste UK Actions - Lettre M.

Instrument financier Cours actuel Var.(%) Ouverture + Haut + Bas Volume Cap. Cap.J échangé
M&G CREDIT INCOME INVEST TRUST ORD 1P 96.0 +0.30% 95.4 97.6 95.0 141 753 - -
M&G ORD GBP 0.05 211.60 -0.47% 210.90 212.50 210.60 8 624 985 504 110M 0.36%
MAC ALPHA LIMITED ORD NPV (DI) 175 +0.00% 175 175 175 - - -
MACFARLANE GRP. ORD 25P 103.5 -0.50% 104.5 105.0 103.0 241 291 16 519M 0.20%
MAJEDIE INVESTMENTS 10P 266 -1.48% 268 271 266 5 974 - -
MAN GRP. ORD USD0.0342857142 213.0 -0.40% 213.8 217.8 211.6 4 168 780 245 938M 0.40%
MAN.BS.6.75%PIB 96.88 +0.00% 96.88 96.88 96.88 - - -
MAN.BS.8%PIBS 111.13 +0.45% 111.13 111.13 111.13 - - -
MANCHESTER & LONDON INVEST TRUST 25P 711 -0.97% 703 744 691 126 256 - -
MARKS AND SPENCER GRP. ORD 1P 354.8 -0.30% 353.4 357.9 353.3 9 643 514 716 636M 0.50%
MARSHALLS ORD 25P 245.0 -0.20% 243.5 248.5 242.0 858 869 61 749M 0.30%
MARSTON S ORD 7.375P 42.20 -2.43% 44.00 44.00 41.40 899 187 26 735M 0.14%
MARTIN CURRIE GLOBAL PORT. TRUST ORD 5P 359 -1.37% 357 362 356 79 268 - -
MARWYN VALUE 16 MVIR 233.00 +0.00% 233.00 233.00 233.00 - - -
MARWYN VALUE 21 MVR2 100.0 +0.00% 100.0 100.0 100.0 - - -
MARWYN VALUE INVESTORS LTD. ORD 0.0001P 104.0 +0.00% 103.3 105.8 103.3 9 863 - -
MAST ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS ORD GBP0.001 0.2000 +0.00% 0.1800 0.2200 0.1800 105 098 - -
MASTERCARD CL A 0R2Z 361.0 +0.00% 564.7 570.4 361.0 1 747 372 837M 0.00%
MAVEN INCOME & GROWTH VCT 4 ORD 10P 56.5 +0.00% 55.5 56.5 55.5 14 795 - -
MAVEN INCOME & GROWTH VCT ORD 10P 38.0 +0.00% 38.0 38.0 38.0 - - -
MAVEN INCOME AND GROWTH VCT 3 ORD 10P 49.0 +0.00% 48.8 49.0 48.8 649 048 - -
MAVEN INCOME AND GROWTH VCT 5 ORD 10P 31.0 +0.00% 31.0 31.0 31.0 - - -
MCBRIDE ORD 10P 145.0 -1.40% 146.5 149.5 143.0 298 632 25 147M 0.20%
MCDONALD S CORP MCDONALD S ORD (CDI) 307.3 +0.00% 309.1 309.6 304.5 558 - -
ME GRP. INTERNATIONAL ORD 0.5P 192.2 -12.60% 204.0 204.0 192.2 7 567 814 72 393M 2.00%
MEARS GRP. ORD 1P 366.5 -0.80% 364.5 369.0 364.0 361 741 33 614M 0.40%
MELCO RESORTS E 0A2P 6.01 +0.00% 6.32 6.32 5.94 2 652 - -
MELROSE INDUSTRIES ORD GBP0.001 641.0 +3.00% 616.0 642.0 615.0 4 216 745 823 115M 0.30%
MENHADEN RESOURCE EFFICIENCY ORD 1P 154 -0.65% 156 157 154 43 666 - -
MERCANTILE INVEST TRUST (THE) ORD 2.5P 238.0 +0.00% 236.0 238.5 235.5 538 867 - -