USD currency pairs price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter U

You are currently viewing the USD currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter U - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
USD/ZAR 18.3233 +0.18% 18.2896 18.3326 18.2819 37,002 - -
USD/HKD 7.8067 +0.03% 7.8040 7.8069 7.8038 6,693 - -
USD/NOK 10.7092 +0.03% 10.7065 10.7135 10.7043 61,306 - -
USD/SGD 1.3507 +0.02% 1.3504 1.3512 1.3498 8,985 - -
USD/JPY 156.76 +0.02% 156.73 156.91 156.69 16,916 - -
USD/CNH 7.25422 +0.02% 7.25305 7.25730 7.25131 41,408 - -
USD/MXN 16.6685 +0.00% 16.6683 16.6822 16.6583 20,490 - -
USD/CAD 1.3691 +0.00% 1.3691 1.3697 1.3684 18,697 - -
USD/CZK 22.8302 -0.01% 22.8315 22.8390 22.8211 11,543 - -
USD/DKK 6.8924 -0.01% 6.8932 6.8952 6.8900 11,967 - -
USD/TRY 32.1969 -0.02% 32.2030 32.2111 32.1783 8,875 - -
USD/PLN 3.9401 -0.04% 3.9417 3.9422 3.9398 7,830 - -
USD/CHF 0.9149 -0.04% 0.9152 0.9154 0.9145 8,222 - -
USD/HUF 357.42 -0.07% 357.66 357.71 357.23 16,871 - -
USD/SEK 10.7278 -0.08% 10.7364 10.7380 10.7234 60,131 - -
USD/ILS 3.67195 -0.17% 3.67814 3.67861 3.67093 29,631 - -