UK 200 price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter F

You are currently viewing the UK 200 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter F.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
FINSBURY GROWTH & INCOME TRUST ORD 25P 962 +0.42% 960 964 960 132,578 - -
F&C INVESTMENT TRUST ORD 25P 1,188 +1.19% 1,174 1,188 1,174 209,604 - -
FRASERS GRP. ORD 10P 636.0 +0.90% 632.5 637.0 625.5 175,156 264,586M 0.00%
FRESNILLO ORD USD0.50 696.0 -2.30% 711.0 711.0 694.5 380,176 512,878M 0.10%
FUTURE ORD 15P 919.5 -0.80% 926.5 932.0 908.5 249,264 100,102M 0.20%