Germany TecDAX price list and quotes - Volume - Letter S

You are currently viewing the Germany TecDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter S.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
SARTORIUS AG VZO O.N. 249.1 -0.30% 250.9 252.7 248.7 56,163 16,776M 0.10%
SILTRONIC AG NA O.N. 42.86 +0.85% 42.34 42.90 42.00 77,494 1,286M 0.26%
SMA SOLAR TECHNOL.AG 13.79 -1.71% 13.89 14.02 13.56 168,658 479M 0.49%
SIEMENS HEALTH.AG NA O.N. 57.90 +0.94% 57.28 58.10 57.28 1,205,103 64,765M 0.11%
SAP SE O.N. 278.35 +2.41% 272.30 278.35 272.05 1,661,414 320,044M 0.14%