Germany TecDAX price list and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter S

You are currently viewing the Germany TecDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Exchanged capital - Letter S - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
SMA SOLAR TECHNOL.AG 14.74 -2.83% 14.86 15.00 14.45 173,214 511M 0.50%
SILTRONIC AG NA O.N. 48.32 +0.00% 47.88 48.66 47.82 124,130 1,450M 0.41%
SAP SE O.N. 272.40 -0.69% 271.60 274.65 269.90 1,531,017 313,203M 0.13%
SARTORIUS AG VZO O.N. 237.4 -1.20% 239.3 240.6 236.7 79,949 17,855M 0.10%
SIEMENS HEALTH.AG NA O.N. 54.22 -0.51% 54.38 55.10 54.10 688,746 60,649M 0.06%