Germany TecDAX price list and quotes - Letter S

You are currently viewing the Germany TecDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter S.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
SAP SE O.N. 246.75 -1.00% 246.85 249.75 246.05 1,518,176 287,834M 0.13%
SARTORIUS AG VZO O.N. 221.0 -0.30% 220.0 227.0 219.8 92,669 14,884M 0.10%
SIEMENS HEALTH.AG NA O.N. 50.70 +0.08% 50.34 51.38 50.08 976,992 56,712M 0.09%
SILTRONIC AG NA O.N. 42.46 -3.06% 43.42 43.78 42.22 63,152 1,274M 0.21%
SMA SOLAR TECHNOL.AG 17.70 -9.09% 19.01 19.44 17.29 537,940 614M 1.55%