France SRD price list and quotes - Volume - Letter N

You are currently viewing the France SRD price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter N.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NEURONES 48.05 +1.16% 47.70 48.30 47.45 3,752 1,167M 0.02%
NRJ GROUP 6.54 +0.31% 6.52 6.60 6.50 14,090 511M 0.02%
NANOBIOTIX 2.936 -2.33% 3.000 3.008 2.928 35,229 138M 0.08%
NEXANS 92.70 -1.07% 92.60 94.70 91.60 119,412 4,056M 0.27%
NOKIA 4.7855 +0.51% 4.7850 4.8415 4.7590 158,869 26,827M 0.00%
NEXITY 9.845 -1.01% 9.900 10.000 9.765 172,161 553M 0.31%
NACON 0.625 +1.96% 0.606 0.650 0.600 360,295 68M 0.33%