France SRD price list and quotes - Volume - Letter N

You are currently viewing the France SRD price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter N.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
NEURONES 49.05 -0.61% 49.30 49.30 49.05 536 1,191M 0.00%
NRJ GROUP 6.80 -0.58% 6.84 6.88 6.80 808 531M 0.00%
NACON 0.617 -0.48% 0.628 0.628 0.614 15,505 67M 0.01%
NEXANS 95.35 -1.50% 95.90 96.20 94.55 21,407 4,172M 0.05%
NANOBIOTIX 3.392 +2.48% 3.298 3.392 3.270 22,042 160M 0.05%
NOKIA 4.8935 -1.02% 4.9200 4.9200 4.8700 33,438 27,432M 0.00%
NEXITY 10.000 +1.89% 9.810 10.020 9.770 68,285 561M 0.12%