Major stock indices price list and quotes - Capitalization - Letter I

You are currently viewing the Major stock indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Capitalization - Letter I - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
IBEX35 INDEX 12,877.30 -1.57% 13,070.10 13,138.00 12,840.90 173,667 - -
IBEX MEDIUM 15,666.2002 -1.21% 15,848.9004 15,893.0996 15,617.0000 5,307 - -
IBEX SMALL C 9,180.4004 -0.80% 9,234.4004 9,315.7998 9,158.2002 119,209 - -
ICELAND ALL-SHARE PI 2,212.83 -2.85% 2,277.86 2,277.86 2,203.62 - - -