Germany MDAX price list and quotes - Letter T

You are currently viewing the Germany MDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter T.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
TAG IMMOBILIEN AG 13.45 +0.15% 13.40 13.56 13.26 531,116 2,360M 0.30%
TALANX AG NA O.N. 86.40 +2.43% 84.60 86.40 83.70 151,622 22,311M 0.06%
TEAMVIEWER SEINH O.N. 12.550 +2.28% 12.405 12.795 12.405 801,663 1,956M 0.51%
THYSSENKRUPP AG O.N. 4.700 +3.75% 4.701 5.032 4.615 11,382,380 2,926M 1.83%