Germany MDAX price list and quotes - Letter F

You are currently viewing the Germany MDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter F.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
FRAPORT AG FFM.AIRPORT 55.50 -1.51% 56.00 56.40 55.15 179,643 5,128M 0.19%
FREENET AG NA O.N. 31.40 -0.32% 31.40 31.64 31.36 469,129 3,733M 0.39%
FRESEN.MED.CARE AG INH ON 46.40 +1.84% 45.70 46.97 45.65 1,064,529 13,614M 0.36%
FUCHS SEVZO NA O.N. 46.96 +0.73% 46.94 47.24 46.32 278,551 5,387M 0.24%