Germany DAX40 price list and quotes - Capitalization - Letter M

You are currently viewing the Germany DAX40 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Capitalization - Letter M.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
MTU AERO ENGINES NA O.N. 326.5 -3.30% 335.0 336.9 325.5 131,697 17,556M 0.20%
MERCEDES-BENZ GRP NA O.N. 55.75 -1.28% 56.00 56.60 55.44 2,572,723 53,682M 0.27%
MERCK KGAA O.N. 130.55 +1.24% 128.70 131.25 128.65 323,330 56,760M 0.07%
MUENCH.RUECKVERS.VNA O.N. 587.6 -0.10% 588.6 591.2 584.4 182,811 78,220M 0.10%