Germany DAX40 price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter M

You are currently viewing the Germany DAX40 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter M - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
MUENCH.RUECKVERS.VNA O.N. 525.2 +0.50% 525.8 527.4 522.8 205,637 69,914M 0.20%
MTU AERO ENGINES NA O.N. 326.9 -0.30% 327.9 330.5 326.5 91,669 17,578M 0.20%
MERCEDES-BENZ GRP NA O.N. 56.88 -1.11% 57.70 58.15 56.54 1,998,129 54,770M 0.21%
MERCK KGAA O.N. 140.15 -1.48% 141.20 142.65 139.90 212,696 60,934M 0.05%