GBP currency pairs price list and quotes - Volume

You are currently viewing the GBP currency pairs price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
GBP/HKD 9.937 -0.53% 9.990 10.004 9.933 21,957 - -
GBP/PLN 5.0806 +0.99% 5.0308 5.0849 5.0238 24,335 - -
GBP/CHF 1.1405 +0.21% 1.1382 1.1424 1.1368 42,845 - -
GBP/CZK 29.019 +0.62% 28.842 29.037 28.804 64,883 - -
GBP/SGD 1.7201 -0.06% 1.7212 1.7223 1.7169 68,779 - -
GBP/DKK 8.7858 +0.27% 8.7617 8.7877 8.7555 77,897 - -
GBP/JPY 199.40 +0.12% 199.15 199.81 198.39 96,275 - -
EUR/GBP 0.8490 -0.28% 0.8514 0.8521 0.8488 98,482 - -
GBP/CNH 9.2378 -0.54% 9.2874 9.2878 9.2345 113,489 - -
GBP/CAD 1.7509 +0.14% 1.7485 1.7525 1.7451 138,008 - -
GBP/USD 1.2719 -0.57% 1.2792 1.2814 1.2714 146,465 - -
GBP/AUD 1.9324 +0.75% 1.9180 1.9336 1.9151 175,874 - -
GBP/NZD 2.0825 +0.87% 2.0645 2.0847 2.0617 197,415 - -
GBP/NOK 13.6292 +0.94% 13.5027 13.6371 13.4742 208,410 - -
GBP/SEK 13.4076 +0.87% 13.2915 13.4202 13.2445 251,045 - -
GBP/HUF 460.77 +0.63% 457.92 461.33 456.69 271,128 - -
GBP/ZAR 24.0257 -0.97% 24.2599 24.2621 23.9207 410,525 - -
GBP/MXN 23.3949 +2.24% 22.8831 23.4828 22.7113 704,341 - -