France First Market price list and quotes - Letter A

You are currently viewing the France First Market price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter A.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
ACANTHE DEV. 0.335 -0.30% 0.335 0.335 0.335 2,782 55M 0.00%
ACCOR 43.11 +0.00% 43.12 43.23 43.00 24,466 10,505M 0.01%
AIR FRANCE -KLM 7.538 +0.29% 7.526 7.560 7.504 91,154 1,981M 0.04%
AIR LIQUIDE 162.62 +1.91% 161.64 162.80 161.22 61,920 94,036M 0.01%
AIRBUS 139.26 -0.61% 139.10 140.26 139.04 81,400 110,333M 0.01%
ARTOIS NOM. 9,700.0 +0.00% 9,700.0 9,700.0 9,700.0 3 2,582M 0.00%
ATOS 0.4520 +7.95% 0.3965 0.4520 0.3911 780,567 51M 0.70%
AUREA 6.64 +0.00% 6.70 6.70 6.64 64 62M 0.00%
AXA 33.15 -0.15% 33.17 33.21 33.04 136,187 72,973M 0.01%