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- Korian: Weekly Report on Share Buyback Transactions From 3 to 7 January 2022
- Korian closes a long-term real estate equity partnership with BAE Systems Pension Funds
- Korian: Weekly Report on Share Buyback Transactions From 27 to 31 December 2021
- Korian: Weekly Report on Share Buyback Transactions From 20 to 24 December 2021
- Korian: Weekly Report on Share Buyback Transactions From 10 to 17 December 2021
- Korian Accelerates Its Network’s European Certification in 2021
- Korian: Launch of an ESG Impact Share Buyback Programme
- 12.6% Revenue Increase in Q3 Confirms Korian’s Growth Momentum
- The Non-Financial Rating Agency Vigeo-Eiris Classifies Korian 1st Company in the Healthcare Sector for its ESG1 Commitments
- The Non-Financial Rating Agency Vigeo-Eiris Classifies Korian 1st Company in the Healthcare Sector for its ESG1 Commitments
- Korian Announces the Successful Issuance of Its 7-Year €300m Inaugural Social Bond
- Project to Transform Korian (SA) Into a European Company (SE)
- Korian Strengthens Its Healthcare Activities and Creates a Business Line Dedicated to Mental Health in Italy
- Korian announces the success of the offering of undated bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (ODIRNANE) for a nominal amount of approximately €332.5 million...
- Korian launches an offering of undated bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (ODIRNANE) for a maximum nominal amount of up to approximately € 330 million
- Strong Revenue Growth of 16.5% in Q2 and 12.3% Over the Half Year, Driven by Korian’s Evolving Business Model
- Korian Strengthens Its Healthcare Footprint in Italy Thanks to the Acquisition of Santa Croce, a Piedmont Company
- Korian: Result of the Option for the Payment of the Dividend in Shares for the Financial Year 2020
- Korian in exclusive talksto acquire the Osny psychotherapy centre (Val d’Oise)
- Korian Announces a Successful Issuance of an Inaugural Perpetual Green Bond for £200 Million
- Korian Creates the 3rd European Mental Health Platform After Completing Its Acquisition of Ita Salud Mental
- Korian: Combined General Meeting of 27 May 2021 Report
- Korian: Filing of the 2020 Universal Registration Document
- Korian: Availability and Consultation of the Information Relating to the Combined General Meeting to Be Held on 27 May 2021
- Korian: Dynamic Revenue Growth from a Resilient Business Model and Good Performance of Recent Acquisitions
- Korian Acquires IPDL, a German Company Specialised in Intensive Ambulatory Care
- Korian acquires ITA Mental Health and accelerates its development of mental health activities across Europe
- Korian Continues Its Growth With Resilient 2020 Results and Enters the High End UK Care Home Market
- Korian Is Expanding Its Offering in the Heart of Communities and Confirming Its Ambition to Develop Its “outside the walls” Services
- Korian Demonstrates the Relevance of its Asset Smart Strategy through a Partnership with BNP Paribas Cardif and EDF Invest