ATON news, videos and press releases
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- Aton Reports Further Results from the Abu Marawat Diamond Drilling Programme, Including 3.62 g/t Au and 47.2 g/t Ag Over an Interval of 27.60 Metres
- Aton Announces Corporate and Operations Update
- Aton Reports the First Results From Its Diamond Drilling Programme at the Abu Marawat Deposit, Including 8.98 g/t Au, 185 g/t Ag, 0.43% Cu and 6.12% Zn Over an Interval of 3.90 Metres
- Aton Announces Bridge Loan
- Aton Reports the Results From Its Phase 2 Diamond Drilling Programme at the Semna Gold Mine, Including 11.69 g/t Au and 1.38% Cu over an Interval of 5.19 metres
- Aton Reports New Surface Sampling Results From the Retained Exploration Areas at Abu Marawat, Including 183 g/t Au From Bohlog, 125 g/t Au From Semna, and 67.4 g/t Au From Kab Amira