Germany DAX40 price list and quotes - Volume - Letter S

You are currently viewing the Germany DAX40 price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter S.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
SARTORIUS AG VZO O.N. 240.8 -1.70% 246.1 246.1 239.7 30,990 16,217M 0.00%
SYMRISE AG INH. O.N. 97.94 -0.89% 98.86 98.92 97.80 71,752 13,689M 0.05%
SIEMENS HEALTH.AG NA O.N. 57.46 +0.07% 57.48 57.82 57.12 227,833 64,273M 0.02%
SAP SE O.N. 279.70 -0.14% 279.45 280.95 277.35 455,874 321,596M 0.04%
SIEMENS AGNA O.N. 226.70 -0.13% 227.00 227.90 225.15 634,324 177,930M 0.08%
SIEMENS ENERGY AG NA O.N. 64.02 +0.66% 64.00 64.24 63.34 1,575,740 50,584M 0.20%