Germany SDAX price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter K

You are currently viewing the Germany SDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter K.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
KLOECKNER + CO SE NA O.N. 7.18 -1.64% 7.43 7.48 7.09 329,412 716M 0.33%
KRONES AG O.N. 137.6 -0.90% 138.2 140.0 136.4 85,785 4,347M 0.30%
KONTRON AG O.N 24.02 +0.59% 23.84 24.60 23.56 372,982 1,520M 0.59%
KWS SAAT KGAAINH O.N. 56.8 +0.70% 56.9 57.0 56.3 6,907 1,874M 0.00%