Europe Indices price list and quotes - Volume - Letter I

You are currently viewing the Europe Indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Volume - Letter I.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
IBEX MEDIUM 15,912.7002 -0.68% 15,980.7998 15,986.2002 15,843.2998 4,567 - -
IBEX35 INDEX 13,422.60 -0.07% 13,328.30 13,463.40 13,270.80 107,011 - -
IBEX DIVIDEN 47,112.1016 -0.07% 46,781.3008 47,255.5000 46,579.3008 107,011 - -
IBEX SMALL C 9,358.9004 -0.97% 9,418.2002 9,430.5996 9,329.9004 126,000 - -