Europe Indices price list and quotes - Letter I

You are currently viewing the Europe Indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter I.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
IBEX DIVIDEN 45,419.3008 +0.15% 45,256.1992 45,519.6016 45,148.8008 123,289 - -
IBEX MEDIUM 16,059.4004 -0.01% 16,054.0000 16,091.2998 16,012.7002 2,832 - -
IBEX SMALL C 9,037.7998 -0.29% 9,123.5000 9,125.4004 8,999.9004 118,785 - -
IBEX35 INDEX 12,956.00 +0.15% 12,909.50 12,984.60 12,878.90 123,289 - -