France First Market price list and quotes - Capitalization - Letter D

You are currently viewing the France First Market price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Capitalization - Letter D.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
DOCK.PETR.AMBES AM 525.0 +0.00% 525.0 525.0 525.0 2 51M 0.00%
DASSAULT AVIATION 202.2 +1.80% 200.0 202.6 200.0 2,313 15,892M 0.00%
DASSAULT SYSTEMES 32.82 +0.49% 32.78 32.84 32.65 47,650 43,927M 0.00%
DANONE 65.68 +0.24% 65.70 65.76 65.54 30,579 44,633M 0.00%