Europe Indices price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Europe Indices price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter C - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CAC SMALL 12,711.18 +0.71% 12,620.54 12,719.49 12,597.54 61,848 - -
CAC MID & SMALL 14,797.55 +0.01% 14,769.21 14,797.55 14,696.05 294,583 - -
CAC MID 60 15,114.16 -0.07% 15,101.88 15,114.33 15,012.77 286,168 - -
CDAX PERF INDEX 1,617.26 -0.19% 1,620.35 1,620.35 1,610.96 - - -
CAC40 INDEX 8,167.50 -0.26% 8,176.79 8,192.92 8,135.80 3,412,432 - -
CAC 40 NR 18,784.76 -0.26% 18,806.13 18,843.22 18,711.85 - - -
CAC ALL SHARES 9,806.25 -0.26% 9,831.96 9,833.49 9,764.30 3,731,397 - -
CAC 40 GR 25,124.46 -0.26% 25,153.05 25,202.66 25,026.96 - - -
CAC ALL-TRADABLE 6,059.86 -0.27% 6,075.08 6,076.72 6,035.37 3,714,088 - -
CAC LARGE 60 8,786.40 -0.29% 8,796.52 8,813.61 8,752.35 - - -
CAC LEVERAGE NR 6,196.172 -0.52% 6,210.313 6,234.844 6,147.949 - - -
CAC NEXT 20 11,726.11 -0.96% 11,742.83 11,763.73 11,672.25 511,859 - -