Germany SDAX price list and quotes - Letter C

You are currently viewing the Germany SDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Letter C.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
CANCOM SE O.N. 27.88 +0.00% 28.00 29.14 27.76 144,317 976M 0.41%
CECONOMY AGINH O.N. 3.544 +4.98% 3.380 3.574 3.378 1,064,918 1,720M 0.22%
CEWE STIFT.KGAAO.N. 94.8 -1.70% 96.2 97.1 93.8 21,029 659M 0.30%
COMPUGROUP MED. NA O.N. 22.50 +0.00% 22.24 22.62 22.12 19,645 1,164M 0.04%