Germany SDAX price list and quotes - Previous close change - Letter A

You are currently viewing the Germany SDAX price list (gainers and losers) and quotes - Previous close change - Letter A - Sort descending.

Financial instrument Current price Change(%) Open High Low Volume Cap. Issued Cap.
ATOSS SOFTWARE SE INH O.N 121.0 +2.50% 119.2 122.0 118.4 28,936 1,925M 0.20%
ADTRAN NETW.SE INH O.N. 20.20 +0.00% 20.30 20.30 20.15 2,687 1,051M 0.01%
AROUNDTOWN EO-.01 2.371 -1.21% 2.414 2.442 2.369 1,632,837 2,592M 0.15%
ADESSO SEINH O.N. 88.0 -1.30% 88.9 90.2 86.6 6,302 574M 0.10%
AMADEUS FIRE AG 83.1 -1.70% 85.0 85.6 83.0 6,920 451M 0.10%
ADTRAN HOLDINGS INC. 7.836 -4.07% 8.382 8.588 7.836 6,913 - -
AUTO1 GROUP SEINH O.N. 21.14 -5.29% 22.76 22.84 20.82 347,315 4,588M 0.16%