MOBIMO N news, videos and press releases - Page 2
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MOBIMO N - More news...
- EQS-News: Mobimo Holding AG issues bond of CHF 200 million
- EQS-Adhoc: Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG approves all requests
- EQS-News: Information on the Agglolac project
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: A challenging but successful financial year
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Changes to the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo reports a positive half-year result
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Gerhard Demmelmair to lead Mobimo's Portfolio and Transactions business area
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Business update regarding the impact of the coronavirus crisis on Mobimo
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Stefan Hilber to become CFO of Mobimo
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Change in the Board of Directors of Mobimo Holding AG
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Mobimo Holding AG
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Marc Pointet, Head of Mobimo Suisse romande, is leaving the company
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo Holding AG issues bond of CHF 220 million
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo can look back on satisfactory results for 2019
- EQS-Adhoc: CFO Manuel Itten to leave Mobimo in summer 2020
- EQS-Adhoc: Dr Martha Scheiber to be nominated for election to the Board of Directors
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo expects development activities for third parties to make a lower contribution to results in 2019
- EQS-News: Mobimo opens Mattenhof in Kriens
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG: Mobimo posts solid results for the first half of 2019
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo strengthens its property management business: Head of Property Management takes seat on the Executive Board
- EQS-News: Mobimo opens the Aeschbachquartier in Aarau
- EQS-Adhoc: General Meeting approves all motions proposed by the Board of Directors | Peter Schaub takes over as Chairman of the Board of Directors
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo records good annual results in 2018
- EQS-Adhoc: Thomas Stauber, Head of Real Estate, to leave Mobimo at the end of July 2019
- EQS-Adhoc: Bernadette Koch proposed for election to the Board of Directors
- EQS-Adhoc: Daniel Ducrey appointed as new CEO of Mobimo
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo Holding AG issues bonds of CHF 155 million
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo successfully completes acquisition of Immobiliengesellschaft Fadmatt AG
- EQS-Adhoc: Mobimo achieves 2018 half-year results in line with expectations
- EQS-Adhoc: Successful takeover offer to the shareholders of Immobiliengesellschaft Fadmatt AG