ALSTRIA OFFICE REIT-AG news, videos and press releases
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- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: alstria intends to issue a corporate bond with a nominal value of EUR 500,000,000 and announces invitation to tender for purchase existing corporate bonds
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Cancellation of the bonds held by the Company
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Squeeze Out
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Compensation payment due to minority shareholders at the termination of the REIT status equal to EUR 2.81 per share
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: squeeze-out demand regarding the shares of minority shareholders, amendment to investment agreement, loss of REIT-status at year-end 2024
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Third-party portfolio valuation as per December 31, 2023
- EQS-AGM: alstria office REIT-AG: Announcement of the Convening of the General Meeting in Hamburg on 01.12.2023 according to article 121 AktG (German Stock Companies Act) with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Extraordinary General Meeting to distribute a special dividend of EUR 250 million and increase of FFO guidance 2023
- EQS-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Portfolio valuation as per December 31, 2022 of EUR 4.6 bn
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Management board further increases the special dividend proposal to EUR 750 million
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Result for the first half of 2022
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: management board increases the special dividend proposal to EUR 550 million
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: alstria signs 4.490 sqm of new leases in its property Gasstrasse in Hamburg
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Conclusion of a EUR 500 million loan agreement and use of proceeds for a special dividend payment of approx. EUR 500 million
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Leasing success in Darmstadt
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Result for the first quarter of 2022
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG intends to take up debts in the amount of presumably up to EUR 850 million, the expected proceeds shall be used to return approx. EUR 1 billion of capital to the shareholders
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Result for the financial year 2021
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Dividend proposal for financial year 2021
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Refurbished Campus STERNHÖHE Möhringen convinces new tenants
- DGAP-News: alstria office REIT-AG: Strong leasing results in Ratingen and Essen
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Voluntary public takeover offer to the shareholders of alstria by Brookfield
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Voluntary public takeover offer to the shareholders of alstria by Brookfield, alstria enters into an Investment Agreement with Brookfield
- DGAP-WpÜG: Takeover Offer / Target company: alstria office REIT-AG; Bidder: Alexandrite Lake Lux Holdings S.à r.l.
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Market speculation with respect to a potential takeover offer by Brookfield
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Portfolio value increases by approx. EUR 150 m to approx. EUR 4.6 bn as per December 31, 2020
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: Early redemption of alstria's 2015 Fixed Rate Notes (ISIN: XS1323052180) on December 24, 2020
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: alstria issues a corporate bond with a nominal value of EUR 350,000,000
- DGAP-Adhoc: alstria office REIT-AG: alstria business update on the corona virus situation