COFACE news, videos and press releases - Page 9
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- Coface SA : Disclosure of trading in own shares (excluding the liquidity agreement) made between July 31st and August 4th 2017
- Coface SA : COFACE SA signs €700m syndicated loan agreement
- Coface SA : Description of the 2017-2018 Share Buyback Program
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at July 31st, 2017
- Coface SA : Isabelle Laforgue and Nathalie Lomon join COFACE SA's Board of Directors
- Coface H1-Results: operating income up 17.5% and net income at €20.2m; Improving 2017 net loss ratio guidance at below 58%
- Coface SA: Communication setting out the arrangements for the supplying of the Interim Financial Report for the first half of 2017
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at June 30th, 2017
- Coface SA : Half-year statement of the liquidity contract between COFACE SA and Natixis
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at Mai 31st, 2017
- Coface SA : Publication of SFCR Group and Standalone as at 31st December 2016
- Coface SA : Combined Shareholders' Meeting of May 17th 2017 adopted all the proposed resolutions
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at May 12th, 2017
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at April 30th, 2017
- Coface SA : Net income at €7.3m driven by an improvement in net loss ratio / Fit to Win progressing as planned
- Coface SA : Coface announces the publication of its 2016 Registration Document
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at April 12th, 2017
- Coface SA : Combined Shareholder's Meeting May 17th 2017 at 9.00am
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at March 31st, 2017
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at February 28th, 2017
- Coface SA : 2016 Results - Operating performance and progression of Fit to Win in line with plan
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at January 31st, 2017
- Coface SA : Executive Committee appointments
- Coface SA : Half-year statement of the liquidity contract between COFACE SA and Natixis
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at December 31st, 2016
- Coface has transferred French State export guarantees activity to Bpifrance
- Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at November 30th, 2016
- CORRECTION: Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at October 31st, 2016
- CORRECTION: Coface SA : Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at October 31st, 2016