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- Bonduelle - Statement of availability of the Half-Year Financial Report on December 31, 2024
- Bonduelle - 2024-2025 First Half Year Financial Results: The Bonduelle Group posts growth in both its current operating income and its branded activities. Bonduelle confirms its annual objectives
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - 2024-2025 First Half Year Sales : Growth in branded activities and group's sales in slight downturn
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - Quarter 1 FY 24-25 Sales: Stability of sales and groth in branded products over Quarter 1. Sales and current operatin income annual targets confirmed
- Bonduelle - Statement of availability of 2023-2024 Universal Registration Document
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - 2023-2024 Annual Results: Bonduelle is launching its 3 year transformation program
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Revenue: The Bonduelle Group posts an increase in annual revenue on a like-for-like basis* and confirms its profitability target despite a difficult consumer environment
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - Statement of availability of the Half-Year Financial Report on December 31, 2023
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Post merger statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - 2022-2023 Annual Results: Growth in the Bonduelle Group's business and profitability in 2022-2023
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - Statement of availability of the Half-Year Financial Report on December 31, 2022
- Bonduelle - First Half Year 2022-2023 Financial Results: Confirmation of revenue growth and profitability objectives
- BONDUELLE - Monthly statement of the number of shares and voting rights
- Bonduelle - First Half Year 2022-2023 Revenue: Growth in activity fuelled by price increases / Adaptation of industrial set up for ready-to-use fresh segment in the United States