NZD/CZK - 1H - Technical analysis published on 10/11/2024 (GMT)
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- Timeframe : 1H
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- Status : INVALID
Summary of the analysis
Additional analysis
The NZD/CZK rating is 14.125 CZK. The price is lower by -0.02% since the last closing and was traded between 14.073 CZK and 14.153 CZK over the period. The price is currently at +0.37% from its lowest and -0.20% from its highest.So that you have an overall view of the price change, here is a table showing the variations over several periods:
Near a new LOW record (1 year)
Type : Bearish
Timeframe : Weekly
Near a new LOW record (1st january)
Type : Bearish
Timeframe : Weekly
Near a new HIGH record (1 month)
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : Weekly
A technical analysis in 1H of this NZD/CZK chart shows a slightly bullish trend. Only 57.14% of the signals given by moving averages are bullish. This slightly bullish trend is reinforced by the strong signals currently being given by short-term moving averages. An assessment of moving averages reveals several bullish signals that could impact this trend:
Bullish trend reversal : Moving Average 20
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish trend reversal : adaptative moving average 20
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish trend reversal : adaptative moving average 50
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Moving Average bullish crossovers : AMA50 & AMA100
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with Moving Average 20
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with Moving Average 100
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with adaptative moving average 20
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with adaptative moving average 50
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Bullish price crossover with adaptative moving average 100
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
An assessment of technical indicators does not currently provide any relevant information on the direction of future price movements.
The Central Indicators scanner found this result concerning these indicators:
Pivot points : price is under support 1
Type : Neutral
Timeframe : Weekly
Central Patterns, the market scanner focusing on chart patterns, resistances and supports found these results:
Near horizontal support
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
Near support of channel
Type : Bullish
Timeframe : 1 hour
The Central Candlesticks scanner, specialised in Japanese candlesticks, did not identify any signals.
S3 | S2 | S1 | Price | R1 | R2 | R3 | |
ProTrendLines | 14.042 | 14.078 | 14.119 | 14.125 | 14.198 | 14.317 | 14.426 |
Change (%) | -0.59% | -0.33% | -0.04% | - | +0.52% | +1.36% | +2.13% |
Change | -0.083 | -0.047 | -0.006 | - | +0.073 | +0.192 | +0.301 |
Level | Major | Minor | Intermediate | - | Intermediate | Major | Intermediate |
To determine price objectives, it is also possible to use the pivot points. Here is the price position in relation to pivot points:
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 13.878 | 13.930 | 14.029 | 14.081 | 14.180 | 14.232 | 14.331 |
Camarilla | 14.087 | 14.100 | 14.114 | 14.128 | 14.142 | 14.156 | 14.170 |
Woodie | 13.902 | 13.942 | 14.053 | 14.093 | 14.204 | 14.244 | 14.355 |
Fibonacci | 13.930 | 13.988 | 14.023 | 14.081 | 14.139 | 14.174 | 14.232 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 13.940 | 14.076 | 14.154 | 14.290 | 14.368 | 14.504 | 14.582 |
Camarilla | 14.173 | 14.193 | 14.212 | 14.232 | 14.252 | 14.271 | 14.291 |
Woodie | 13.911 | 14.062 | 14.125 | 14.276 | 14.339 | 14.490 | 14.553 |
Fibonacci | 14.076 | 14.158 | 14.208 | 14.290 | 14.372 | 14.422 | 14.504 |
Pivot points | S3 | S2 | S1 | PP | R1 | R2 | R3 |
Standard | 13.495 | 13.688 | 14.028 | 14.221 | 14.561 | 14.754 | 15.094 |
Camarilla | 14.221 | 14.270 | 14.319 | 14.368 | 14.417 | 14.466 | 14.515 |
Woodie | 13.569 | 13.725 | 14.102 | 14.258 | 14.635 | 14.791 | 15.168 |
Fibonacci | 13.688 | 13.892 | 14.017 | 14.221 | 14.425 | 14.550 | 14.754 |
Numerical data
The following is the status of technical indicators and moving averages registered at the time this technical analysis was created:
RSI (14): | 54.58 | |
MACD (12,26,9): | 0.0000 | |
Directional Movement: | -0.694 | |
AROON (14): | -85.714 | |
DEMA (21): | 14.110 | |
Parabolic SAR (0,02-0,02-0,2): | 14.126 | |
Elder Ray (13): | -0.002 | |
Super Trend (3,10): | 14.080 | |
Zig ZAG (10): | 14.120 | |
VORTEX (21): | 0.9400 | |
Stochastique (14,3,5): | 40.30 | |
TEMA (21): | 14.104 | |
Williams %R (14): | -37.84 | |
Chande Momentum Oscillator (20): | -0.021 | |
Repulse (5,40,3): | 0.2410 | |
ROCnROLL: | 1 | |
TRIX (15,9): | 0.0040 | |
Courbe Coppock: | 0.40 |
MA7: | 14.161 | |
MA20: | 14.165 | |
MA50: | 14.026 | |
MA100: | 14.051 | |
MAexp7: | 14.104 | |
MAexp20: | 14.108 | |
MAexp50: | 14.105 | |
MAexp100: | 14.125 | |
Price / MA7: | -0.25% | |
Price / MA20: | -0.28% | |
Price / MA50: | +0.71% | |
Price / MA100: | +0.53% | |
Price / MAexp7: | +0.15% | |
Price / MAexp20: | +0.12% | |
Price / MAexp50: | +0.14% | |
Price / MAexp100: | -0% |
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